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Hudson Delaware REgional ChApter

of the

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


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  • 25 Oct 2021 1:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) joins its federal agency partners in highlighting National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, October 25-29, 2021. EPA, along with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are working to raise awareness, provide resources, and encourage preventive actions to decrease childhood lead exposure during the week and beyond.

    EPA Actions:

    EPA will be carrying out the following activities during National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week to help a wide variety of audiences learn more about preventing lead exposure.

    • Lead Awareness Curriculum Train-the-Trainer Session - Join EPA Wednesday, October 27 at 2:00 pm ET for a live discussion on how to use and modify the “Lead Awareness in Indian Country: Keeping our Children Healthy!” materials for any community. Register here.
    • Understanding Lead Webinar – Join EPA Thursday, October 28 at 3:00 pm ET for a live presentation, featuring simultaneous Spanish interpretation, of “Module 1: Understanding Lead” from the Lead Awareness Curriculum to receive an overview of lead, its impacts and actions that can be taken to reduce potential lead exposures and lead poisoning. Register here.
    • Renovation, Restoration and Painting (RRP) Trainings – EPA is also offering trainings for renovators at no cost. Learn more and register for an upcoming in-person RRP training near you. 


    Established in 1999 by the US Senate, National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week occurs every year during the last week in October. During this week, many states and communities offer free blood-lead testing and conduct various education and awareness events.

    For more information on what EPA, HUD, and CDC are doing during NLPPW:

    EPA - https://www.epa.gov/lead/national-lead-poisoning-prevention-week

    HUD - https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/healthy_homes/nlppw

    CDC - https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/national-lead-poisoning-prevention-week.htm

     For more information on EPA and Lead: https://www.epa.gov/lead


  • 21 Oct 2021 5:27 PM | Anonymous member

    In August we asked HDC members to nominate themselves or someone else to serve on the Board of Directors for a 3-year term.  We want to announce that we received back only one nomination and therefore we want to proceed with an election to complete the process.

    Our one nominee was Erica McKenzie from Temple University.  Here is a link to her BIO and nomination.  Please VOTE in our 2021 election so we may officially accept Erica back onto the board for a second term!

    If you are a HDC SETAC Member you should receive an email with a link that will allow you to Vote! 


  • 2 Aug 2021 3:02 PM | Anonymous member

    It's that time again when we ask for volunteers to sit on our Board of Directors to help manage and direct the Hudson-Delaware Chapter of SETAC.  Board members serve a three year term and have the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of the Hudson-Delaware Chapter.  Nominations are currently being accepted with an election voted on by the HDC SETAC membership to be held soon afterwards.

    Submit your Nomination via 2021 Nominations for the Board of Directors

  • 5 May 2021 7:27 PM | Anonymous member

    HDC SETAC is pleased to announce the award winners from the Delaware Valley Science Fair on April 9, 2021.  Ronald MacGillivray, Ph.D., of Delaware River Basin Commission and Donald Nazario of Normandeau Associates served as judges for this years science fair representing HDC SETAC.

    1st Place $150 - Saranya Anantapantula - Effects and Sources of Dioxins and Furans in Benthic Organisms in the Newtown Creek Superfund Site

    2nd Place $75 - Lakshmi YannamComparison of the Phycoremediation Capabilities of Chlorella autotrophica and Spirulina for Heavy Metals and Biosorption of Nitrogen and Phosphorus at Varying Haline Levels

    3rd Place $25 - Sarah SantosThe Effect of Climatic Factors on the Intensity of the Lytic Toxins Released by Gymnodinium sp.

    For many years representatives from HDC SETAC have been attending the Delaware Valley Science Fair (DVSF) to view and judge High School science projects.  The science fair draws students from Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware.  Nearly $6 million in scholarship and prize money is awarded each year to student winners for outstanding science projects.  HDC awards students under the Special Awards section and looks for projects that cover toxicity testing, environmental science, chemistry related projects and ecological awareness in the Hudson Delaware region. 

    For 2021 HDC SETAC judges were able to select three outstanding posters.  Of course this year due to COVID-19 restrictions all posters were virtual and judges were introduced to each presenter via a video that each student prepared to present their research and explain their project.  As is the case when viewing posters in person each student presents their distinct personality along with the tables, graphs and pictures of a well thought out science project.  Our goal is to honor high school projects that show an awareness of the importance of environmental science in the midst of urbanization, climate change, focus on renewable energy, and advancing technology.     

    Founded in 1949, The Delaware Valley Science Fairs, Inc., is a non-profit organization sponsored by area companies, foundations, universities, and individual donors.  One of the oldest and largest Fairs in the country, DVSF embraces a philosophy in that students learn science by doing science. In the process, students learn how to think and develop critical problem-solving skills that they will need for careers, college, and citizenship.  


    (Pictured from DVSF 2018 - left to right, Don Nazario and Ron MacGillivray enjoy a day of judging posters)

  • 4 May 2021 3:14 PM | Anonymous member

    If you attended any of the Four-Part Series of Virtual Meetings we would like to ask you to complete a meeting survey.  Your feedback is very important in helping us decide what topics are best and in what format should we present our information.

    Please complete the survey here.

    If you have any suggestions or comments don't hesitate to contact anyone on the HDC Board of Directors.

  • 22 Apr 2021 10:09 AM | Anonymous member

    Check out this job opportunity at GHD in Exton, PA.

    You may have seen this job opportunity but I thought HDC SETAC should promote any openings that definitely fit with our experienced SETAC membership.


    Please pass along if you know someone who might be looking or would be a perfect fit.

  • 7 Apr 2021 5:21 PM | Anonymous member

    Check out the newest Spring 2021 HDC-SETAC Newsletter!  Bryan Hedgpeth and the newsletter committee has worked hard to create another newsletter for HDC SETAC.  Please click on the link below and download a PDF version of the 2021 Spring newsletter.  

    We are always looking for content for our newsletter so if you would like to contribute an article about research, projects, job postings, etc., please speak with Bryan about presenting an article.  And don't forget Corporate Sponsors have the ability to place ads and articles also!

    2021 Newsletter FINAL.pdf

  • 26 Jan 2021 7:08 PM | Anonymous member

    2021 Corporate Sponsorships are available!

    It is time to renew your Corporate Sponsorships

    Our sponsorships run from January to December each year and offer various levels of participation and benefits.  Please know that your support directly affects our ability to plan and present the meetings, events and interaction between members of HDC SETAC.  Please consider supporting the Hudson-Delaware Chapter to maintain our excellence throughout the years.

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