Hudson Delaware REgional ChApterof theSociety of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Joy McGrath - GHD
Joy McGrath has been in the environmental consulting business for over 25 years supporting industrial clients on a variety of projects from wastewater treatment, permitting, litigation, and due diligence. She recently started a position as risk assessor with GHD. She has a BS in Biochemistry and a MS in Environmental Engineering both from Manhattan College. Her interest is in understanding the bioavailability of organics in the environment and their effects on aquatic organisms. Ms. McGrath was a co-author on the original research for the target lipid model (TLM), a framework for deriving water and sediment criteria for mixtures of non-polar chemicals that act via narcosis, such as hydrocarbons. The TLM has been adopted by the U.S. EPA and other international environmental agencies for use in deriving sediment criteria for the protection of benthic invertebrates from exposure to mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). She has published several subsequent manuscripts on the TLM model refinements and its application to various environmental media. This is her sixth year on the SETAC HDC board and continues to be impressed with the Board members and their commitment to the success of the chapter and development of students.
When not working, Joy has fun on the Spartan racecourse, crawling under barbed wire, carrying sandbags up black diamond ski hills, climbing over walls and traversing through lakes or crazy mountains.